Blog Post

Hello internet ... is this thing working?

  • By Rina Tsohn, LCSW
  • 18 Mar, 2019

It's official, I have a blog and I THINK I may know how to use it...

I help you, but who helps me?

     I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I always wanted an easy way to share information with visitors and I'm super excited to start this journey with you. If you have no idea who I am, I'm Rina, your friendly neighborhood therapist here in Sunny South Florida, looking to make a difference one life at a time... starting with mine. I am a firm believer that as a therapist, we all need to practice what we preach. Unfortunately, that's a lesson I learned the hard way; similar to a lot of lessons we learn through life, unfortunately. 

    There was a day that I don't recall, when everything became a blur in my life and I woke up realizing that I wasn't happy anymore. I loved the work I was doing; I loved the life I was living; I loved seeing the change in clients regularly BUT, I was becoming complacent and negative about things I couldn't control. I took a large gasp of air, realizing that the things they teach you about in grad school, the thing they warn you about but you never believe will happen to you- it started happening to me. What's that thing you ask? BURN OUT (dramatic 'dun, dun, dun' sound plays in the background).  I decided that I needed to start applying the knowledge I had, and had helped so many others with, to myself. I was the one in need and I needed it fast. I have a painting over my desk at work that says "Life is so much brighter when we focus on what truly matters." I realized that clients matter, but I can't be there for them if I'm not there for myself. I needed a dramatic change to happen in my life and my momma always told me that change starts when you want it to. (My mom didn't really ever say that, but it sounded good... LOL!) What I DID learn from my parents is that working for yourself isn't always easy, but hard work pays off and you run your life, not the other way around.

    So am I working for myself? No, but this is the start to me having a voice for myself. You and I are starting this journey together and I'm actually really excited about this. A dear friend once told me that "fear and excitement elicit the same physiological response." I literally constantly think about this whenever I'm feeling one or the other. If it's all a matter of perception of a situation, then that means that I'm in full control. 

    If you choose to join me on this journey, know that you will get honesty through all the good, the bad and the "WTF was that" moments. If you've been a client of mine in the past and are now reading this, you already probably know all my cookyness, and I hope this helps give you a bit more resolve that I actually do care and wasn't just there because of a paycheck.

I'm not sure how long these are supposed to be, but I could probably write forever, but then I would't have any more blogs. So, until next time, "peace and love!" (something my mom actually ALWAYS says)

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