Let the light in and the healing begin

We believe in doing things differently here at Nira Healing Center. We approach therapy with compassion, structure, accountability and humor. We work to promote self-confidence, personal empowerment, and balance in life. We provide therapy to those struggling with addiction and substance abuse, as well as the family members and loved ones of those individuals. During the course of your therapy, you will gain the skills to overcome barriers and struggles you have faced, and obtain the confidence, courage and perspective to overcome them. Change happens when in a state of discomfort. Unfortunately, the motivation to make change is like a leaf in the wind, there and then gone. Call to learn how you can take control of your life again.

Nira Healing Center can help you
✓ You have recently exited in-patient treatment
✓ You want change, but don't know how to where to start
✓ You've become complacent and unmotivated
✓ You've had a slip, and don't want to backslide
✓Your old tools need sharpening
✓You want help and support
✓You want a fresh and new approach
Family and Loved Ones
✓ You've thought, "who is this person?"
✓ You want to give support, but you don't know how
✓ You are scared of or don't know how to set boundaries
✓You want to help, but in a healthy way
✓You feel scared of picking up your phone, because you don't know what you will hear
✓You won't give up, but you won't give in
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